Mixed Ability model

Awards, Blog, Events, IMART 2025, IMART2025, In the Media, International Mixed Ability Rugby Tournament, Involving disabled people, MARI's, Mixed Ability Sports, News

The benefits that being active has on Mental Health

    The latest member of the IMAS Training team Ella Sky has recently had an article published in the Somerset Recovery College Magazine. Ella who proclaims on her Facebook page that she is "Autistic and Proud" brings a new skill set to the weekly IMAS...

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Blog, Involving disabled people, MIXAR, Mixed Ability Sports, News, Press Release, Rugby development, Tournament

Anthony Brooke, British Empire Medal winner and global inspiration!

Anthony Brooke a huge rugby fan from Bradford had always wanted to play the sport, but on approaching clubs was offered the position of water boy or encouraged to play tag rugby due to his learning and physical disabilities. In 2008 in an adult social skills class...

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IMAS to support ARI Championship

IMAS is delighted to announce our support for the Ability Rugby International (ARI) championship. This is a cross-border competition built on the Mixed Ability principles of inclusion and diversity, and open to any Mixed Ability rugby side, male or female, from...

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IMART Expressions of Interest now open!

The International Mixed Ability Rugby Tournament (IMART) is the world cup for Mixed Ability rugby teams. After the incredible success of the 2022 edition in Cork, IMAS is seeking new expressions of interest from clubs, unions, cities, or other parties to host the...

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IMART 2022 legacy book unveiled!

IMAS and Mixed Ability Sports Ireland are incredibly excited to unveil the official Mixed Ability Week and International Mixed Ability Rugby Tournament 2022 photobook as part of the event legacy programme. Following the incredible success of a week of fully...

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Blog, News

“A strong commitment to Mixed Ability”

New clubs achieve accreditation. Two community clubs of very different sizes and sports were recently recognised for their dedication to inclusion through their Mixed Ability offers. People’s Park Bowls in Grimsby, supported by 2020 Community Sport have established...

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Blog, News, Sport England

Mixed Ability Golf

Two pioneering clubs and their journeys to becoming fully inclusive. Picturesque Bingley St Ives golf club in West Yorkshire overlooks the Aire Valley, a route to the beautiful Yorkshire dales. The club has come together with International Mixed Ability Sports...

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Blog, News

Mixed Ability Rugby explodes in Kent!

Cannons and Dynamite blast a road to inclusion in the South East. When Matt Kuhn and Medway RFC President Mark Marriott attended the England Rugby Mitsubishi Volunteer of the Year Award in August 2021, they couldn't have foreseen how a conversation with players...

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Blog, News

IMAS Trainers speak to the House of Lords

On Wednesday 21st September, IMAS Trainers Bronte and Cam attended an online meeting with the House of Lords, to discuss how sport can be made more inclusive and accessible for young people. This blog is a selection of excerpts from the meeting transcript. We’d...

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Blog, Press Release

Pandemic Positivity

Our latest video series has launched with the focus on #PandemicPositivity IMAS is helping to break down barriers and inspire positivity during the pandemic Rupert & Tom - our first 2 video stars Our IMAS trainers have all experienced barriers to participation...

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