Mixed Ability Manifesto

Sport has the power to transform lives making us healthier and happier, and yet there are people excluded or segregated because of stigma, prejudice or personal perceptions of their capability.

Too often sport is seen as the prerogative of elite athletes or established majorities. Grassroots sport can also be responsible for excluding minorities allowing access only to charitable or segregated activities.

Mixed Ability recognises the right of everyone to participate in community sports without being separated, classified or labelled.

Mixed Ability is a social movement within sports, actively promoting inclusion and equality through a sense of belonging and membership to a group, team or club.

Mixed Ability Sports follows the same rules and regulations of mainstream sports without adaptations, and only minor adjustments to take into account individual participant needs.

In breaking down these barriers Mixed Ability Sport creates opportunities for marginalised communities to challenge the established status quo and affirm their right to equal participation.
Become a signatory of our Manifesto
If you share our ethos and are committed to promoting social inclusion and equal participation, breaking down barriers and transforming lives, you should sign our Manifesto. In doing so, you will be joining a diverse range of organisations and the fastest growing inclusive movement in sport.