Mixed Ability education

Blog, IMART, News

A truly MAGIC ‘Fringe’!

The Mixed Ability Games, Innovation and Co-production 2025 (MAGIC) event is a series of prestigious and influential international activities that will bring together the Mixed Ability network during the IMART week in Pamplona. MAGIC will be celebrated in June 2025,...

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Blog, Mixed Ability Sports, News

Mixed Ability Connects!

Mixed Ability was conceived to promote social inclusion and a meaningful interaction between individuals and groups who wouldn’t necessarily share paths in their local communities. At least not in ‘normal’ circumstances. Many of our participants have experienced –...

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Blog, In the Media

IMAS y la Tribu en la Escuela de rugby Madiba!

"No hay camino fácil para la libertad en ningún lugar y muchos de nosotros tendremos que pasar por el valle de las sombras una y otra vez antes de llegar a la cima de la montaña de nuestros sueños" Nelson Mandela   Bajo la atenta mirada de “Madiba”, Nelson...

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