

DOWN ESPAÑA e IMAS caminan juntos para cambiar el mundo!

“Mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, puede cambiar el mundo” Eduardo Galeano El movimiento de cambio social, de inclusión social y de reivindicación de los derechos humanos, va haciendo eco en el panorama social gracias al trabajo de...

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Blog, News

Who says 70 is old?

The 2018 Christmas blog contribution comes from John Higginson. John wrote to IMAS earlier this year asking what Mixed Ability activities were available for him and his wife after a period of inactivity. John chose not to take up full contact Mixed Ability rugby...

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Blog, IMART 2020, International, MIXAR

What is Mixed Ability rugby?

Sundays Well RFC is home to the first Irish Mixed Ability Rugby Team – Sundays Well Rebels. The team began training together in January 2014 and almost 5 years later have experienced an amazing journey including two Mixed Ability World Tournaments (IMART) and...

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Events, IMART 2020, International

Chivasso Rugby v Sundays Well Rebels

International Mixed Ability Sports (IMAS) e Chivasso Rugby Onlus sono lieti di poter presentare la 3a edizione della “Coppa Progetti”, evento che si svolge quest’anno sotto il patrocinio della Federazione Italiana Rugby. L’appuntamento si inserisce nella più ampia...

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In the Media, Mixed Ability Sports, News

How inclusive is yoga?

Many thanks to the British Wheel of Yoga and Shelagh Mackenzie for featuring IMAS and the Mixed Ability Model in their official magazine Spectrum! A very interesting article with many interesting points. We shall look forward to developing joint activities to...

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