IMAS Champion awarded Royal College of General Practitioners President’s Medal

da | Nov 24, 2018 | Awards, In the Media, News

IMAS celebrates the award of the Royal College of General Practitioners President’s Medal to Mixed Ability Health Champion Dr Mark Purvis.


The Royal College of General Practice is the professional membership body for GPs in the UK. Its purpose is to encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards in general medical practice


The President, Professor Mayur Lakhani CBE FRCP PRCGP SFFMLM, presented the Medal to Mark at the RCGP Annual General Meeting in London Friday 23rd November 2018.


The medal is awarded to a Member or Fellow who has done most to promote the aims and objectives of the College and who has not normally achieved recognition for that contribution from the College. (awaiting citation)


Dr Mark Purvis was an NHS GP in Bradford for thirty years. In addition, Mark worked as Director of Postgraduate General Practice Education for Health Education England, training the NHS workforce, with responsibilities for primary care in Yorkshire and the Humber.


Mark has long been a champion of Mixed Ability sports, recognising the potential for inclusion sports to change the lives of individuals, build health assets in local communities and change the way that society thinks about inclusion resulting in benefits for health and wellbeing.


Find out more about mixed ability sports by reading and signing our manifesto.



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