

IMART Cork 2020 postponement

It is with great sadness that the  IMAS and IMART 2020 Project Team have to announce that due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures affecting travel, borders and large gatherings across the world the International Mixed Ability Rugby Tournament is...

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IMAS Present in Parliament

As part of National Learning Disability week and at a special ‘Sport You Can’ event, members of the International Mixed Ability Sports team were invited to London to present their vision for a fairer, more inclusive society and how that can be achieved through...

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DOWN ESPAÑA e IMAS caminan juntos para cambiar el mundo!

“Mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, puede cambiar el mundo” Eduardo Galeano El movimiento de cambio social, de inclusión social y de reivindicación de los derechos humanos, va haciendo eco en el panorama social gracias al trabajo de...

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Blog, News

Who says 70 is old?

The 2018 Christmas blog contribution comes from John Higginson. John wrote to IMAS earlier this year asking what Mixed Ability activities were available for him and his wife after a period of inactivity. John chose not to take up full contact Mixed Ability rugby...

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