Invitation to Tender – Mixed Ability sports Development Programme

por | Ago 1, 2016 | Development Programme, Sin categorizar, Sport England

IMAS – International Mixed Ability Sports will be delivering a two-year programme funded by Sport England to encourage disabled and non-disabled people to be more involved in sport and become members of teams and clubs.

Following the success in rugby, the Mixed Ability model will be rolled out to 7 new sport disciplines in Bradford and across identified regional areas. IMAS, as accountable body is charged with ensuring the successful delivery and evaluation of the programme. We are driven by a simple vision where people of all abilities are equal members in teams, clubs and communities using the power of sport and education, and we believe that this project will be crucial in making this vision true.

The aim of this contract is to engage an independent research and evaluation partner to work with IMAS to help us produce our evaluation framework and assess the motivations of former and new sport participants taking up mixed ability activities, the personal and collective benefits to both disabled and non-disabled participants as well as the wider impact of mixed ability activities on networks and social capital.

The full invitation to tender is available at the link below. The deadline for submission is 12noon on the 30th September 2016.




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