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Blog, Mixed Ability Sports, Sin categorizar

Mixed Ability Connects!

Mixed Ability was conceived to promote social inclusion and a meaningful interaction between individuals and groups who wouldn’t necessarily share paths in their local communities. At least not in ‘normal’ circumstances. Many of our participants have experienced –...

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Aplazamiento IMART Cork 2020

IMAS y el equipo de de IMART 2020 tenemos que anunciar con gran tristeza que debido a la pandemia de COVID-19 y las medidas que afectan a viajes, fronteras y grandes reuniones en todo el mundo, el Torneo Internacional de Rugby Mixed Ability tendrá lugar el próximo...

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European Projects, Events, IMART 2020, In the Media, International, Mixed Ability Sports, Sin categorizar, Tournament

European Commission throws its weight behind IMART 2020!

International Mixed Ability Sports is excited to announce that the European Commission, through the Erasmus+ Not-for-profit European Sport Events, has agreed to support a week of Mixed Ability activities to coincide with the 3rd International Mixed Ability Rugby...

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IMAS Present in Parliament

As part of National Learning Disability week and at a special ‘Sport You Can’ event, members of the International Mixed Ability Sports team were invited to London to present their vision for a fairer, more inclusive society and how that can be achieved through...

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Blog, Sin categorizar

Who says 70 is old?

The 2018 Christmas blog contribution comes from John Higginson. John wrote to IMAS earlier this year asking what Mixed Ability activities were available for him and his wife after a period of inactivity. John chose not to take up full contact Mixed Ability rugby...

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