por Martino | Oct 28, 2022 | Sin categorizar
The International Mixed Ability Rugby Tournament (IMART) is the world cup for Mixed Ability rugby teams. After the incredible success of the 2022 edition in Cork, IMAS is seeking new expressions of interest from clubs, unions, cities, or other parties to host the 2025...
por Martino | Jun 16, 2022 | Blog
Since 2019, IMAS has provided experiential learning opportunities for healthcare students and practitioners. The placements have been shown to equip participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to support disabled patients. This is crucial in reducing the...
por Martino | May 26, 2022 | Blog, International, Mixed Ability Sports, Sin categorizar
The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent an urgent call for action and are at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are clear links between IMAS work and the SDGs. Exploring these links is important given the SDGs...
por Martino | Abr 22, 2022 | Sin categorizar
The recent Marmot report 10 years on, highlighted how health inequalities related to disabilities arestill stark. This has been even more apparent during the Covid pandemic, which it is now clear has disproportionately affected disabled people and exacerbated existing...
por Martino | Abr 28, 2021 | International, Mixed Ability Sports, Sin categorizar
En el mes de febrero de 2021, como se había anticipado en la pasada campaña electoral, la FER presentó oficialmente su nuevo Plan Nacional de Rugby Inclusivo (PNRI). Este plan incluye un Reglamento de Rugby Inclusivo, así como normas y reglas para regular el ‘Circuito...