por Martino | Ene 3, 2018 | In the Media, Mixed Ability Sports, Sin categorizar
Many thanks to the British Wheel of Yoga and Shelagh Mackenzie for featuring IMAS and the Mixed Ability Model in their official magazine Spectrum! A very interesting article with many interesting points. We shall look forward to developing joint activities to promote...
por Martino | Oct 6, 2017 | IMART 2017, IMART 2019, IMART 2021, International, Sin categorizar, Tournament
What is possible in 2019? To build upon the huge success of the 2nd International Mixed Ability Rugby Tournament held in Vitoria-Gasteiz in August of this year, we are inviting bids to host the next International Mixed Ability Rugby Tournament (IMART 2019) and...
por Martino | Oct 2, 2017 | Awards, IMART 2017, In the Media, Sin categorizar
We were thrilled to find out that IMAS’ flagship event, the International Mixed Ability Rugby Tournament (IMART), has been shortlisted for the European Diversity Awards in the Community Project category. Since their launch six years ago, the European Diversity...
por Martino | Oct 2, 2017 | IMART 2017, Sin categorizar