by Martino | May 20, 2015 | In the Media, News, Tournament
by Martino | Feb 12, 2015 | Events, News, Tournament
A delegation from IMAS – International Mixed Ability Sports and Bumble Bees RUFC was received Wednesday 4th of February by Sport and Tourism Minister Helen Grant MP. Kevin Pringle and Anthony Brooke presented Helen Grant with a Bumbles’ shirt in return for...
by Martino | Jan 31, 2015 | Events, News
IMAS – International Mixed Ability Sports, in quanto promotrice ed organizzatrice del Primo Torneo Mondiale di Rugby Mixed Ability, è felice di accogliere gli Invictus Prato fra le delegazioni presenti a Bradford in Agosto. Per correttezza informativa, tuttavia,...
by Martino | Jan 17, 2015 | News, Tournament
“Nothing about us, without us!”, this statement used by the Independent Living Movement for disabled persons, best sums up this extraordinary story of people and sport. “Integrated rugby born in Wales during the ’90, to include people with...
by Martino | Jan 11, 2015 | Events, News, Tournament
Sport and Tourism Minister Helen Grant gave enthusiastic support this week for the first ever Mixed Ability Rugby World Tournament. The tournament will see players with Learning or Physical Disabilities playing alongside non-disabled players in the same full contact...